Multinational Approach to Business

Business Matching

K.I.N Co.,Ltd was established in 2001

For over 20 years, the award-winning company K.I.N has been a leader in acting as a bridge between Japan, Israel, and Europe in a variety of fields of innovation and technology.

K.I.N collaborates in a wide variety of sectors; however, we research and dive deeply into each sector before entering. Our awards, certificates, and grateful letters are a testament to our effectiveness.

Using our offices and factories in Japan and Israel, we are able to provide our customers and partners in each industry with innovative solutions to ensure their satisfaction and our mutual success.

K.I.N Kyoto International Network business partnerships

Clients / Partners


K.I.N Kyoto International Network business partnerships

Awards from IJCC & JICC

K.I.N Co.,Ltd has received awards from both JICC (2012) and IJCC (2017), showing excellent performance for InnoTech, the […]

K.I.N Kyoto International Network business partnerships

Data Center Projects

Our products are perfect for data center projects. Top-level companies from the U.S. and Japan have contracted with […]

K.I.N Kyoto International Network business partnerships

Project in Kurashiki, Okayama

Kamoi factory and warehouse, three years between projects, by the award-winning architectural firm TNA.  K.I.N contracted with the […]

K.I.N Kyoto International Network business partnerships

Interior Project on TV Show “Before and After“

Upon starting our plastic sheets distribution, while starting to get into different markets, we used our sheets combined […]

K.I.N Kyoto International Network business partnerships

Business Accelerator

Cybertech Tokyo’s third year in Japan was a challenging one. K.I.N joined to level-up the project and provide […]

K.I.N Kyoto International Network business partnerships

Project with Nendo

Nendo, one of the top design firms in Japan and a creator of international and unique ideas, used […]

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